What does it mean that Catalyst is a “fee only fiduciary registered investment advisor”? Why should that matter to me?

Being “fee only” means I will never be paid a sales commission for any investment I recommend to you. I also will never be paid a commission when I trade securities on your behalf.

Being a “fiduciary” means I am required to act in your best interest. Believe it or not, there are many financial professionals who are not fiduciaries, and who are not required to act in your best interest.

Working with a fee only fiduciary investment advisor helps ensure you are receiving unbiased investment recommendations from someone obligated to act in your best interest. 

Does Catalyst provide accounting or insurance services?

No. As a fiduciary acting in your best interest, I work collaboratively with accountants and insurance agents. Please let me know if you need me to refer you to such a professional. I am happy to help you build a team that best meets your needs. 

You are also an attorney. Can you also provide me with legal services or representation?

No. Catalyst Financial Advisors is not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice or representation. I can work with your attorney or help you identify an attorney to meet your needs. 

Do you require me to have a minimum amount of money to work with you?

No. Whether you are a new or experienced investor, I want to help you pursue your goals regardless of your current situation or phase of life. 

Where is my money held if I work with you?

Catalyst Financial Advisors does NOT take custody of your investments. Instead, your investments are held by a custodian. Catalyst works with Charles Schwab as a custodian and can work with other custodians as well to accommodate your needs. 

If I decide to work with you, do I have to commit for the long term?

No, you are free to end your relationship with Catalyst at any time and will only be obligated to pay for services rendered to that point. As a fiduciary I will act in your best interest including, upon your request, to wind down our relationship in a professional manner.